Honour thy father and thy mother…

It is emphasized to the children, to honor their mother and father. Honor means to regard or treat with respect and admiration. That is the golden rule.

However, how do we expect children to show honor  when it has not been taught to them. Or, a positive role model has not been given to them, to follow. Do as I say and not what I do theory is going out of the window, as we see more and more children dishonoring and hating their parents. Anything in life, to be performed, must be taught. And, for a safe journey, a positive road must be followed.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 King James Version (KJV)

Computers, Smart Phones and Tablets are on the rise, to assist with everyday life. Lives have become so busy. People are seeking devices that can shave minutes off overburdened schedules. Comfort and convenience are heavily sought.

When it comes to our children, the comfort and convenience, should be replaced with duty and determination. If you don’t educate your children, who will? The streets? Friends? The world? Who takes the blame when the children have not been educated to make sound decisions and travels down a wrong path? Friends? Streets? The World?

There are parents who taught their children the basics and their children made wrong turns. And, there are parents who taught their children nothing and their children prevailed. This is not a shame and blame game. Ask yourself, are you doing your part?

Parents should be the first educators. However, inexperience and unlearned youths are having babies. Their definition of teaching is providind designer diapers, name brand sneakers and fancy haircuts and hairstyles, for their children. The unlearned youths’ parents are overwhelmed with the 3 I’s. I’m too tired. I’m too busy. I don’t have time. While others sit back and point the finger stating, it’s someone else’s job.

Everyone wants to point the finger and blame someone. The blame goes to the government, schools, churches, society, teachers, and law enforcers and last the parents. The parents say it is the teacher’s job. The teachers are overworked, pointing back, at the parents, and the school system. No one wants to take the responsibility, in the meantime, this upcoming generation is being brainwashed, consumed and destroyed. They do not know what is happening, because they can’t pull their eyes away from their Smart phones, tablets or video games.

Something must be done. Everyone can do their part. We first must educate ourselves. Learn from one another. Then we must educate our children, nieces, nephews, grandsons, granddaughters, your neighbor’s children. Calling on grandparents, aunts, uncles, mentors to assist with this generation and the next generation, to teach them about honor and respect.

There are some of you are reading this post and said: The children of the day will not listen. Their parents will have something to say. I tried in the past and it did not work.

Often, people feel a need to help. However, haphazardly they proceed without God’s guidance, at the wrong time, to the wrong person, at the incorrect place and wondered why it did not work.

Example: In the mall, you cannot walk up to an adolescent, whose pants are sagging, in front of his friends, and demand for him to pull his pants up. The results will probably be negative and offensive. Back in the day, this could be performed, without hassle. Today, you may be physically or verbally assaulted and, in some cases, legal actions may be taken against you.

God is the first line of defense to go against future generations. Each generation is more stubborn and rebellious, than the previous generation.

  1. Ask God how you can help.
  2. Who should you help?
  3. What is the proper approach?
  4. What should be said?
  5. When should it occur?
  6. What is a good location?

Below are suggestion for those who want to help children/teens or young adults or anyone who wants to change. The very first step in teaching someone to honor others, is to teach them to honor themselves. You cannot expect children to respect others, if they don’t respect themselves.

  • Learn to listen. Don’t be a dictator.
  • Children mimic what they see. Be a positive influence.
  • The cute little disrespectful things a young child performs and gets away with, now, will escalate into larger disrespectful things when they get older. Stop those so called cute ill behaviors, at the beginning. Examples: cursing, hitting you, biting you, throwing tantrums, ignoring you, should not be tolerated.
  • Put fear into your children, do not allow them to put fear in you.
  • Be persistent. Children are smart and clever. Don’t get it twisted. They know who they can run a game on.
  • Low self-esteem- Find ways to help them feel good about themselves.

Go back to the basics.  Listed below are simple elements to teach or to learn for yourself.

Teach/Learn about good diet and exercise. Greasy fast foods loaded with fat, calories and carbohydrates are more appealing, than a salad and lean meat. However, if you are depressed by having weight issues, it’s time to learn another way of eating. It does not necessarily mean to eliminate all junk food, but having more of a balance; making better choices; cutting down on amounts, and replacing unhealthy eating habits with healthier ones. Don’t be enticed with the trends of detrimental devouring.

Exercise does not constitute long hours at the gym. It can be an enjoyable event; playing sports; roller skating; dancing; swimming; or bike riding. You must turn off the television, put down the video game controller, and start moving. Don’t be seduced into becoming a member of the couch potato club.

Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days for ever. Deuteronomy 23:6King James Version (KJV)

Teach/Learn about basic hygiene/grooming. Take showers or baths, apply deodorant, brush teeth, comb hair, and wear clean clothes. These basics may seem elementary, but due to laziness, procrastination or lack of time, many of the essentials are being avoided. Showers are skipped. Pungent perfumes and colognes are applied to cover body odors. Chewing gum, instead of brushing teeth. Wigs and hats are worn in place of combing hair. Wearing dirty clothes over and over is easier than doing a load of laundry. Don’t get it twisted, wearing name brand perfumes, designer clothing and shoes, over an unclean, malodorous body are not glorifying your appearance.

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7King James Version (KJV)

Teach/Learn manners/etiquette. These are simple rules, on the proper and polite way to act. Today, these behaviors are not being taught or performed. Simple things like saying please, thank you or you’re welcome are ignored. Greet people upon your arrival. Bid a farewell upon your departure. Hold doors open for others. Shake hands. Be courteous and polite. Trust me, having good manners will take you a long way. Don’t be rude, inpatient or disrespectful. This is the manner in which many are adapting in today’s society. If you don’t know the proper etiquette, read a book about it, or research online. Educate yourself. Mind your manners.

Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Proverbs 4:24King James Version (KJV)

Do your research. Teach/Learn the truth about the images and the back stories of models, actors, and athletics. Many of these superstars have image issues. And they may endure strenuous, aggressive, unrelenting, dangerous and sometimes unlawful undertakings to get or maintain whatever image they are portraying. Thinking they are perfect, with no cares in the world, and wanting to become just like them, is a dangerous road of self-destruction if you can’t achieve this unattainable goal in life. Don’t try to become them, be a better you.

 And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them. Leviticus 20:23King James Version (KJV)

Teach/Learn way to make yourself better. Do not rely solely on expensive outer adornments, for the body. Depend on beautifying your mind and soul. Read the Bible for spiritual guidance. Read books or search online for ways to embellish the parts of you that cannot be seen immediately by sight. God provided everyone with a special gift. Explore to find it and embrace it.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21King James Version (KJV)

It does not matter if your child is 8 months, 8 years or 18 years, it’s never too late to a be productive parents. Granted, it is easier to start education them when they are young to mold them into children you want them to be. Because, as the child gets older, some behaviors are set and must be undone and replaced, with good ones. With God at your side, nothing is impossible.

Remember, God does not make mistakes. He didn’t say oops when creating you. He knew exactly what He was doing. So instead of whining and complaining because parts of your body does not measure up to what you think or what the world demands, thank God for who you are. And if there is room for improvement, ask for wisdom to change.