I Do Not Lie. Do I?

Do you lie? Do you lie to yourself? To others? Most people will immediately say no. The definition of lie: to make an untrue statement or to create a false impression. Again, most will say, they do not lie. Remember a lie is a lie. You may put a spin on it or attempt to diminish the fact of why you are lying, but it is still a lie.

These are five common types of lies, and there are many more.

  • White lies. Untruths that stated to be harmless. A so-called small lie to be polite or not to insult someone. No matter what the color it is; it is still a lie.
  • Fabrication. Do you pass on information that is not true? You hear something, without validation, you deliver the misinformation to others.
  • Broken promises. You may not consider this to be a lie. But if you promise to do something to make you feel better about yourself, without the full intentions of conducting this promise, or you make promises without fully thinking if this can be accomplished. This is a falsehood. This does not pertain to something you pledged, and an unseen event came up and you were not able to fulfil the promise. This refers to a person who says things to make themselves feel good, not even considering if the promise can be performed. Or minutes after they made the vow, they have forgotten all about the commitment.
  • Omission. Only the partial truth is revealed. You conveniently leave out vital facts. This type of lying may be to deceive, trick or fool someone.
  • Denial. You do not want to believe the truth. You deny everything or make excuses for your denial. For example, you know that you are in an unhealthy relationship but deny it and produce reasons why you should stay or produce justifications why your partner is doing what they are doing. You are lying to yourself, as well as others.
  • Exaggeration. This is a common form of lying to those who loves gossip. Your stories are told with embellishment by adding juicy facts (that may not be true) for dramatization, or to gain attention. You crave the attention it gives you.
  • The make-believe lie. Lying to your children about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. People will say this is harmless or it is helping your children with their make-believe world. Lying to your child about a person or thing that does not exist, is a lie. Strangely enough, people will go out their way for the make-believe Santa Claus, who is not real. But will refuse to teach their children to believe in God, who is truly real.

If you do any of the above. Ask yourself why. Because:

  • You crave the attention it gives you.
  • You love drama and you need to be surrounded by drama.
  • You feel better about yourself. Or it elevates you in some kind of way.
  • Nothing exciting is going on in your life. So you create fiction.
  • Everyone else does it. Why can’t you?
  • You are not aware that you do it.
  • Your life is uneventful so you may perform the lies above to make you feel important or to give the impression you are knowledgeable.

Lying is wrong. It is sad to think, many people lie daily without realizing what they are saying. If you want to change, you have options. Changing behaviors are difficult without the help of God.

Pray for God to help you and your mouth. Ask God to bridle your tongue. If you have lied for years, it is difficult to immediately stop. Or to do it on your own.

Be honest with yourself. Why are you lying, exaggerating, or making broken promises? You may need to work on why you are misleading, falsifying, fibbing, and denying and that may help you to stop.

Use the stop, look, and listen approach.

  • Stop and analyze. If you feel like a lie, an exaggeration or any of the above is coming out of your mouth, stop talking. Think about what you are going to say. If God is assisting you to stop, He will allow you to see when you should speak, what you should say or if you should say anything.
  • Look into your past and observe the times you stated untruths. And think of alternate things, you could have said to avoid lying.
  • Listen to what you are saying. Ask yourself is this the truth? Am I exaggerating? Listen to God’s direction on how not to lie.

Lying is common fact with many people. But if you want to change your character, stop, look, and listen to what comes out of your mouth.

Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. Psalm 120:2 King James Version