Are you reaping rewards or residing in regrets? As a nurse, one of the most depressing sights witnessed, is an elderly person, in a nursing home, sitting in a wheelchair, staring despairingly, out of the window. This person had no family, friends or any visitors to come. No bright, colorful cards received on special occasions. Their rooms are not decorated with pictures of loved ones or lands traveled, only with the bare necessities of this present life of loneliness and despair. 

On the other hand, one of the most uplifting sights is to see an elderly person surrounded by friends and loved ones. Their family branded them with cherished monikers of Muk-Muk, or PopPop. Albums and albums are filled with pictures of family members of 2 and 3 generations; and of lands traveled, with the loved surrounding them. They always have a story to tell with every picture to attentive audiences.

Which person is living with regrets and who is experiencing rewards?

Regret is sorrow or disappointment concerning something you should have done or something you did not do, resulting in negative responses. A reward is a kind of payment for something good that has been done.

The negative scenario of the elderly above is grim. The moral of the story. Do not wait until the end of your life to rectify regrets or realize your mistakes. Personally, with God, I believe it is never too late. In certain circumstances, it may be too late to regain the family and friends lost, but with prayer, God can send you others to assist you to reap positive outcomes. And, in certain situations, it may be possible for certain family and friends to return.

Right now, if you are in the youthful years, middle aged, or senior years, get rid of regrets, now, and begin receiving rewards.

How does one get into regretful situations and remain there?

  1. Making bad choices. Everyone, at some point, has made bad choices. Once you have recognized the mistake. You refuse to take accountability and blame others.
  2. Stubbornness. For whatever reason, you have an unwillingness to do the right thing, even when you know it is the wrong thing.
  3. Pride. Having the attitude, you know everything and need no one.
  4. Refusing to heed to wise counsel. Always listening to inexperienced persons, worse off than you.
  5. Repeating the same mistakes over and over. It may with a different person, place or situation. Basically, you keep making the same bad choices, hoping for a different outcome.  
  6. Out to prove people wrong. You know you made a bad mistake, but you are hell bent on proving to others, your mistake was good or you can turn the bad mistake into a good one.  
  7. Easily influenced by others or things. Allowing others or substances to dictate your life. Others can be family and friend. Substances can be alcohol, drugs or any other addictive behavior.
  8. Lackadaisical attitude. Thinking things will work out on its own. Or, ignoring the negative things around you thinking they will just disappear.
  9. Refusing God. Unwilling to allow God in your life to assist you in your life.

It goes without saying, to reap the rewards, do the opposite of the list above. But my first point is the last point of the above, refusing God.

  1. Get God involved in your life. The world has convinced people, God is not necessary. That you, alone, can do all things and solve all problems. This is not true. Without God you will live a stressed life laced with worry and doubt. Without God, you will allow others to guide you in the wrong directions
  2. Have a relationship with Him. Have intimate conversations with God which are prayers. Prayers have turned into selfish and prideful conversations about what you don’t have, what you want and who did you wrong.
  3. Listen to His instructions and guidance. He will guide you and send the appropriate people your way for wise counsel and direction.
  4. Make good choices. This is a lot easier said than done. But, With God, He will instruct you and allow stumbling blocks to occur to prevent you from making mistakes. So often people step right over these barriers, right into trouble.  
  5. Take accountability. Analyze yourself first, admit your wrong doings. No one wants to be wrong, but sometimes you are. Stop blaming others for things that are your fault. Remember, there are always 2 sides to every story, take accountability for your portion. Owning up to your portion will teach you not to do that thing again. If you don’t, you will continue to make the same mistakes over and over, because you never think you are wrong. 
  6. Humble yourself to God, not man. Today, people are so eager to please others. People will take your kindness as weakness and often use this trait to their advantage. Humbling yourself to God, He will exalt you, not use you.
  7. Be yielding and adaptable. Strong willed people are needed in the world, however, make sure you are strong willed about the correct thing.

If God is not in your plan, then you will reap what you sow. What do you want to reap? Regrets? Or Regards?

And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. Deuteronomy 28:2 King James Version (KJV)