Schools are closed, parents are at home, groceries are running out, and many people are bored. With this available time, teach your children how to cook.
Previously, cooking was a must. Large family, with many generations of people living under one roof, home cooking and recipes from scratch was a common thing, to feed the large amount family members. Secondly, there were not multiple food chain restaurants available, with the art of ordering, picking up or having food delivered. Or, going through a drive-through. If these establishments were available, many households could not afford the prices of takeout.
Now, things have changed drastically. Eating out has replaced cooking and is a common event, in many households. Buy one meal get one free; children under a certain age eats free; or certain days and times meal are discounted are highly advertised. For some, eating out has become more affordable. However, even when discounted meals are provided; many households really can’t afford it. But, will relent because, of the convenience. The truth is upcoming generations do not know how to cook, because their parents may not know how.
In the post above, A Culinary Skill to Consider, it addresses teaching yourself to cook. Now it’s time to teach your daughters and sons how to cook! Cooking can be a survival skill. There are multiple reasons why you should teach them.
Bonding. Teaching your children to cook can be rewarding. Together, gathering the ingredients, reading the cookbook or viewing the video, making the dish your own by adding other ingredients, watching your recipe evolve into a delicious dish is an accomplishment. Cooking can be a bonding experience leading to homemade pizzas, biscuits from scratch, home baked cookies and cakes.
Survival. After your children, knows how to cook, instruct them to always have, on hand, quick meals, on the shelf, like pasta sauce and pasta, to be able to cook a meal and feed many. To stock their shelves with a few canned goods of chili, vegetables, milk and other survival meal, in case of emergencies. Emphasize the point, eating out should be the exception and not the rule. And, how difficult it is to save money when daily 2-3 of meals are being purchased.
Independence. Your children should not wait for a parent, friend, spouse or for a restaurant to open to feed them. Teach them to have the ability make a meal when they want. It is somewhat a sense of freedom. Make sure you emphasize cooking is not only for girls, boys should know how to cook, just as much as girls.
Strength. You are teaching your child to be strong. Too many people will proudly announce they cannot not cook. And, their demeanor appears they have no intention of learning how to cook. But in these trouble times of closed restaurants, food storages, limiting of food items, these same people need to wake up and discover, cooking is not a bad trait to learn.
A piece of mind, for you. You know when your children leave the roost and begin their life, they will probably order out and purchase fast food, all the time. However, when difficult times occur, and they will, you know, your children possess the skill of cooking and surviving.
That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children. Psalm 78:6 (KJV)