Long-Lasting Legacies
You may not have one penny to leave behind. If you leave your children with some of the items below, these legacies will carry on in their lives, in their children’s lives, and their children’s children. These are labeled as long-lasting legacies:
God. Teaching your child about God and His Word is the greatest gift you can ever give and leave behind. God is the Almighty and All Lasting; He will be with your children for generations to come. Teach your children to have a relationship with God and have frequent intimate talks (prayers) with Him.
Strength: Another great legacy to leave is to teach your children to be strong. Not to be weak or to give in when afflictions come their way. Cousins to strength are determination and perseverance. Educate your child on having a positive mindset of determination and to continue to go forward even when times gets rough. If they are strong, their children will be strong.
Love: Show your children love and affection. Tell them you love them. Offer hugs and kisses because you can. When children experience love, they will know how to give love. Love will last.
Dreams/Hopes: Express to your children to have hope, dreams and aspirations. Hopelessness is a horrible legacy to leave behind. Instruct them to dream big and to go after their dreams. Dreamers have children who are dreamers. You have left something special behind.
Integrity: Leave your children with a good moral compass. Instruct them to be honest, fair, and morally sound. Integrity will always outshine dishonesty and deceit. Integrity is a gift.
Positive role model: Children mimic what they see. If you have been a great positive role model, they will follow your lead. And their children will follow on as, as well.
Words or sayings: To this day I continue to quote some of the phrases my mother said to me. And, my children quote them as well. Her words are going on until the fourth generation. At the time she had no way of knowing how her words continue to teach and guide her grandchildren and her great grandchild. Leave positive words for your children to recite to future generations.
Discipline: Raise your children. Do not allow them to raise themselves or to be left to their own devices. Discipline them, when needed. If you do not teach your child discipline, they will not know how to discipline their children. A legacy of discipline is needed.
Manners: Good teachings of manners will take your child a lot further than being discourteous and rude. Prepare your child with basic manners, please, excuse me and thank you. Advise them to honor and respect the elderly. Too many children are pushed out into the world without the basic knowledge of manners. Well-mannered children throughout the generations may have started with you. What a wonder gift to leave behind.
For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death. Psalm 48:14 King James Version (KJV)