What Time Is It?
It’s time to take time. At some point, we have said, I don’t have time. This could have been legitimate. But in many cases, that statement has become an excuse or a way to blow off things we just don’t want to do. The reality is, you can make time for anything if you want to make time.
- You make time for yourself for, “me time” to pamper, indulge, soothe or decompress.
- You make time for entertainment by going to movies, parties, concerts, sport events or playing video games.
- You make time to communicate with Facebook, Twitter, texting, emails or talking on the phone.
- You make time for friends, to catch up, hang out or chill with.
- If you have a new cell phone, video game or any other electronic toy, you will spend hours reading directions, googling questions, researching data and/or talking to people to ensure you have all the updated information needed to operate your device properly.
The things listed above, you will go out of your way to make the time, by rearranging schedules, cancelling other events or squeezing items into your routine. Why? Because it is all about you and what you what.
Do you schedule or rearrange time for God?
- Some of you may not know to take time out for God. No one has told you to do this practice. Now, I am telling you. Take time out for God. Remember, God does not need your time. You need God’s time.
- Others may know to spend time with God, but will allow themselves to get distracted. The adversary will make sure when you schedule time with God, the devil will make sure something will come to your mind that needs your immediate attention. A text or email of urgent importance will come through. Anything to block you time with your Father.
- Yet, there are others who take the time, but the time is rushed. If the biblical passage they’re reading takes a little longer than expected or requires more time. They will say, I don’t have time, it’s too long or I’ll read it later. This needs to be shorter. Again, you’re making it about you and what you want.
You may think God is a fly by the way God. Mumble a few words to Him. Glance over His Word. Skim though a Daily Devotion or a Biblical scripture. You praise yourself, brag to others and pat yourself on the back, thinking your obligation to God has been fulfilled. If anyone asked you in detail what you read, could you actually tell them? Or, do you apply the message you read in your daily life?
It’s mind-boggling, when you get into a debacle, desperately needing something, or someone has harmed you, the abundant amount of time allocated to God. You are praying feverishly, reading the Bible passionately and searching for His reply diligently. After the crises is abated. You go back to making all about you and not about Him.
God is your Friend, your Father, your Protector of your foes, your Provider and your Comforter. Don’t get it twisted. God wants to be a part of your life; however He doesn’t need you. You need Him.
Avenues of Awareness
Reflection Road
- Have you ever wanted to be close to someone or spend time with them, but they would not give you the time of day? Do you think of ways to get closer to them? Can you apply this concept to getting a close relationship with God?
- In the beginning, schedule time with God like any other important appointment that will have an impact on your life. Begin with mini sessions. Allow the discussions to be throughout the day.
Set your alarm clock 15 minutes early schedule.
1.Talk with God while brushing your teeth.
2.Take a walk after lunch.
3.Talk to him during your ride to school or work.
4.Talk to him while your or cooking or cleaning.
The key is to communicate with Him throughout the day, every day.
Devil’s Drive
Remember, the devil is a thief, coming to kill, steal and destroy. He will steal your time from God or any other positive thing, if you allow him. You must have the same attitude, if someone stole your money, your girl or boyfriend or your car. Demand to get it back. Don’t’ let the devil steal your time. Treat him like a thief. Take your time with God back!
World’s Way
Today, it is societal way to stay busy. If you don’t have an overwhelming schedule, you’re considered as being lazy. It’s okay to be busy if you are focusing on a goal. The key is to balance your schedule with God, school, work and play. If you keep God first, He will keep you first in all other matters, school, work and play.
Personal Pathway
I am all about balance and budgets. My daily routines comprises of spending time with God with prayer and studying His Word. I do this first thing in the morning. That works for me. Then, there is time for work and then there is a decompression time (play time). God, school (studying His Word) work, all balanced.
A budget is a plan used to decide the amount of something (money, time, energy) that can be allocated or how it should be spent. Daily, I budget the amount of time spent on God, school, work and play. If I spend too much time on one item, another item will not receive the attention needed. If I get off on balance or budget, my day seems out of whack. If continued my life is out of whack.
Balance your life and get on a budget.
Lord’s Lane
15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17King James Version (KJV)