The Spiritual Compliment
You Rock! Great Job! You look nice! I appreciate you! These are compliments. People say these little blessings every day in some type of form. Compliments are little verbal blessings. Blessings are tokens of approval, encouragement or gifts created by acts or words that brings happiness. Each time a compliment is made it brings a little joy to the receiver.
Let’s take the compliment application into effect. You are a mother. Your son comes to you and say, I appreciate you, mom. You are the best mom any son could have. I always have good things to say about you to my friends. Thank you, for being you. You would be elated. With lips curled into a smile; chest lifted with pride; hugs exchanged, any reasonable request your son made, depending on the circumstance, would be granted. Mom, may I borrow the car. Your reply, sure, do you need gas money?
Let’s flip the script. Your son comes to you and say, you are so unfair; Tyrone’s mother always give him what he wants; I never get what I want; Why does bad things always happen to me; I hate my life; you just don’t get it. Your reactions and emotions may vary. Hurt? Disappointment? Anger? Your son’s request of borrowing the car, receives a different response.
Praising God, is probably one of the most overlooked tokens of devotion toward God. Yet, it’s one of the most important acclamation that can be performed. Praising God is expressing your admiration and appreciation for His name, power, accomplishments, attributes and gifts.
Praising God is the Spiritual Compliment. It’s worship. I appreciate, you Lord. Praise God and His Holy Name. God, I praise You for being the Creator of heaven and earth. Singing gospel songs of God is praising Him. It’s a way we can let God know we acknowledge Him and His Word, wisdom, will and ways.
Praising God:
- Pleases God and puts Him first.
- Repels the devil.
- Lifts your spirits.
- Blessings follows praise.
The spiritual compliment pleases our Father and reasonable requests will be granted. Praising God is not some type of magical incantation or a new world enchantment. Like prayer, this cannot be some type of ploy to win favor. It must be sincere from the heart. God knows your heart.
Praising God should be expressed not during just good times but, also, during times of affliction. When tribulation come your way, does the accomplishments of God or your admiration for Him change? It shouldn’t. Praising God during low time lets God knows, no matter what you’re going through, you will continue to praise Him.
Avenues of Awareness
Reflection Road
- Do you realize giving a sincere compliment to others is God’s way of complimenting that person through you? Think about the last real compliment you received. Did you feel good? That was God expressing his devotion to you through someone else. Praise God!
- Think about it? Do you give compliments? Most will say yes. Do you give them expecting one in return? Or, do you receive compliments better than giving them? Why is that?
- Have you completed a lifestyle change? Lost weight? Started a new job? Bought a new home or apartment. And expect for the compliments to roll in and when they do; do you bask in the warm arms of your praise? Do you praise or thank God for what He has done in you?
Devil’s Drive
It’s okay to praise yourself or others because it’s easier more convenient, explainable and logical—not. The devil has convinced many not to praise a God that you cannot see, feel, or hear. He replaced praising God with praising yourself. Say something good about yourself; give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself as long as you give the Creator who made you and who gave you the skills the credit and praise. That’s where the problem comes in. You are convinced every accomplishment or achievement made, you performed on you own. That is so untrue. Stop praising yourself and give praise to the Lord.
World’s Way
Criticism can be the opposite of praise. It’s the act or remark of disapproval or noticing people’s faults and shortcomings. Today, everyone is a critic voicing unsolicited advice. Measuring peoples’ acts according to themselves or other people, never through God’s eyes. Have you noticed criticism outweighs compliments?
Tabloids are the best sellers. Why. Because famous peoples are plastered across the front page for all to criticize judge and condemn. Those rag types of publication are not all about getting facts straight. It’s about selling the papers and receiving profits. The juicier the story the more it sells, and the more criticism.
Personal Pathway
No food. No gas. $4.00 in my bank account. Things looked bleak. I was in the Word and I knew worrying, crying and complaining wasn’t the answer. The devil whispered in my mind to fix this problem. Start calling relatives and friends to help you. Let everyone know God failed you. God is not going to help you because you failed Him. I listened to the negative words. The voices continued. I realized something had to be done. And I did something. I began singing a praise song I had recently learned. I praised God and His Holy Name. I sang the song over and over. Between the songs I prayed and recited God’s promise of prosperity of mind, body and spirit. I thanked God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me. I declared I was the righteousness of God. The negatives voices ceased. The next morning a sum of $100 was deposited into my account without me asking anyone. I smiled and said, Praise God and His Holy Name. God will never fail you or forsake you. See How to Pray 101 to read another personal story about praising God.
Lord’s Lane
Read 2 Chronicles 20. King Jehoshaphat and his people were going to be attacked by two different armies. The king feared. He prayed to God. He won the battle without using any army weapons. Do you know how? The people stood up and praised God. They sang songs of praise and thanksgiving. And the Lord fought the battle for them. They did not win only the battle; they received an abundant amount of riches and wealth from their attackers.