This recipe is a foolproof recipe. During the Thanksgiving break, I had the Recipe 2opportunity to travel to my daughter’s home for a week. There were mouthwatering dishes to choose from during my entire stay. But, the most memorable was my daughter’s homemade biscuits. The biscuits were light, fluffy and delectable. Immediately, I asked for the recipe. She informed me that the recipe only called for three ingredients. I was amazed that three items produced these delicious delights.

The three element technique inspired me to compose this post. I am honored to give you, the best recipe I have learned about. The B.A.T Recipe. This method is definitely worth the time and effort and will produce whatever end result you need. This 3 ingredient concoction can produce a cake of conquer, a pie of prosperity, a sandwich of success or a feast of favor.

The B.A.T Recipe contains the 3 ingredients: Believe, Ask, Trust. The sequence in combining these elements is up to you, however, if one component is eliminated the recipe will not have the preferred conclusion.

Believe. Believe means to accept the truth of what is said. You must believe. Believe in God and who He is. Believe He will grant you the desires of your heart. The thing about believing, once you have declared it, the devil, people or circumstances will emerge to convince you to disbelieve. If you pray for prosperity it appears more financial burdens materializes, if you believe in healing, painful symptoms develop. Keep believing.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6 (KJV)

Ask. Make a request. We are good about asking God for all types of things from paying the utility bill to winning the lottery. The call for outlandish and frivolous requests are demanded all the time. When these items are requested, there lacks little belief that they will actually come to pass. And most of these selfish, self-indulged and lascivious desires will not unfold because our Father will not honor longings that are not involved around love, building character, helping others and contributing to His kingdom.

However, when we ask God for whatever request, we must have the first ingredient of believing to receive. The asking part is easy, asking and believing goes into another stage. However, the impatientness of this generation reflects if a request is made on Monday and it has not materialized by Wednesday or no later than the end of the week, disbelief takes over and the aspiration is abandoned.

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:22King James Version (KJV)

Trust is an assured reliance on the character, ability and strength, or truth of someone. In this case, trust God. To put trust in someone or something is to have a dependence. The dependency should be placed on God, rely and lean on Him, let Him direct our steps.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)

Avenues of Awareness

Reflection Road

Think of previous events in your life. Did you apply the 3 ingredient recipe, but placed them in yourself and man? How did that turn out?

Devil’s Drive

It should be obvious by now, that the devil wants God out of our thoughts and lives. If the devil can shift leaning on God and turn it on relying totally on self, his work is done. Please don’t misunderstand, this doesn’t mean not to have confidence in yourself to do things. But, recognizing your power Source is God and your strength comes from Him.

World’s Way

The world wants you to believe in yourself. Ask man for help and trust in your abilities. On the surface it doesn’t sound wrong, but the key you are putting man ahead of God. Using self-works instead of putting faith in the grace of God. Our Father wants to be consulted first in everything we do.

Personal Pathway

I worked at a well know insurance company as a temp. The assignment, the benefits and the people made the company appealing. My desire was to work at the company permanently. Unknowingly, I applied the 3 ingredient recipe, but mixed them in the wrong vessel. I believed in myself. If I would do the assignment to the best of my ability, have a cheerful attitude and understanding demeanor, a permanent position would be offered. I asked the people around me, my coworkers, supervisors and even the director about how I can come aboard full time. I trusted in their words and promises. Month after month, I strived harder to be the star employee. Month after month, more promises were made. Month after month I trusted in them and their ability to make it happen. It never happened. After a year, I remained in the same position. In most people’s eyes, I was doing the correct things. I prayed on the employment situation, however, I went on to do the things I thought I should be doing. After sincerely praying to God, it was placed in my heart, I was using the B.A.T recipe, but in the wrong bowls. I started to believe in God, who He was and what He could do. I asked God about my dilemma and trusted in Him and not man. Guess what. A different company approached me. Better pay, closer to home and an assignment I enjoyed. I leaped at the opportunity. Later, I heard the company I desperately wanted to be employed went about multiple changes, layoffs and other issues. God delivered me from that headache.

Lord’s Lane

 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matthew 7:7 (KJV)

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8 (KJV)