The snow comes leaving blankets of white. The trees lack life without leaves. The season appears to move slow and often painful. The warmer season is behind. Snow and ice are ahead. A bid of farewell to the colorful flowers and the green of life. The last season is here—winter. Regrets of neglecting to winterize your house and car emerges when the winter hits. Is it too late?
The winter of life has been described as the last season of life. Old age comes leaving coverings of gray hair. Bones and muscles lack strength due to wear and tear. Movements are slow and often painful. The youthful days are behind. Death is approaching. A bid of farewell to lifelong friends and long loved family. Regrets of I should have, why I didn’t, I could have come to mind. Individuals have gotten to an age or time in their life when they feel too old or realize they have lived more years than they have left. Is it too late?
God gives strength to do all things. And you’re never too old to do God’s will. Injuries, illnesses and other limitations may factor in doing certain things, but not all things. Ask yourself, why are some people going strong, maybe even stronger, in their later years, than their formers years? Let’s investigate some possible reasons.
Stop saying I am old, or I am too old. Your words can curse or bless. If you keep reciting something long enough, it will come to pass. You may not be able to perform the undertakings of 20 years ago. Some can testify the inability to achieve tasks of 5 years ago. The aging process will come, how it comes, it’s totally up to you. Getting old is not only a physical process, but it’s also mental. There are 70 year old’s running marathons; participating in weight lifting competitions; earning college degrees; and starting new businesses. They didn’t say “I’m too old”. They had an I can attitude. You can have an I can attitude with God.
The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31King James Version (KJV)
Don’t hold on to yesteryears. Don’t keep living in the past. Today, for the older generation, things move quickly. Instead of saying back in the day we didn’t do things this way or that way… and you refuse totally to partake of anything new or refuse to change, that kind of attitude can leave you stagnated and obsolete. Please don’t get it wrong, I am not instructing you to conform to all of the world’s ways, but to learn some new skills to enhance and enrich your life. Learn how to use a computer or other electronic devices to keep yourself current and alert. Read about new things to improve your life. Read the material as an e-book or listen to an audio book. The ones who are left behind and obtain an old mindset, are the ones who refuse to embrace change. Renew your mind with the Word of God, His wisdom and His way and allow Him to assist and guide you in the journey to stay young of mind and heart.
His flesh shall be fresher than a child’s: he shall return to the days of his youth: Job 33:25-26 (KJV)
Become the student. Embrace a member of the younger generation, like a grandchild, niece or nephew who can teach you some of their keen ideas on style and music. These same youths can teach you about the electronic world. For years you taught them, now allow them to teach you. Maybe make a pact, you will teach them your sound wisdom of life and allow them to teach you some of their generational knowledge.
The company you keep. If you associate constantly with people who think and act old, you will become a product of your environment. I am not saying to de-friend all of your companions, but have some youthful thinking comrades who have a desire to do different things and want to embrace life and have fun. Life is what you make it.
Winterize your life. Before winter, people will weatherproof their cars, insulate their homes and purchase winter wear. They are preparing for the upcoming season. They may not be able to stop the winter or the severity of it, but all efforts are made to weather through it. You know the winter of your life is coming. Start preparing for it. Weatherproof your mind in God. Insulate your mouth with the Word. Pray for a long and prosperous life.
If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. Job 36:11King James Version (KJV)