Recreation is the refreshment of strength and spirits. Of just simply, activities done for enjoyment. RECREATION

Let’s reiterate the triple R’s.

  1. Rest- peace of mind and spirit.
  2. Relaxation-Techniques to remain calm.
  3. Recreation- activities to refresh your spirit, mood and strength.

Plan events to rejuvenate. Do not become enslaved to a job, influenced and controlled by pressures all year, then take a one week vacation and expect to be fully recharged, at the end of seven days. Many times the planning, packing and travailing to the destination is exhausting in itself. Then, vacation is jammed with “must see” activities requiring strict timelines and little time for rest. By the time, you arrive back home, rejuvenation has occurred, but is snuffed out by inanition. Yearly vacations are important, to ventures to exotic places or to visit friends and families, however it may not be not enough.

I recommend daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly events to recharge. Suggestions:

  • Daily- take walks, listen to music, watch funny movies or a comedy sitcom.
  • Weekly- take an art, dance, cooking or martial art class. Date night with your spouse or date night with yourself. For the single individuals, get dressed and treat yourself to dinner and a movie.
  • Monthly- Go to interesting seminars, local city outings, concerts or festivals. Hang out with the “girls” “boys” or a sibling.
  • Yearly-Plan vacations, the usual locations, but plan to go to destination you have never traveled, like Europe, New York or California, somewhere different. If possible, avoid taking vacation time with doctor’s appointments and other not fun activities. If these obligations must be fulfilled, squeeze in rec time. Appointments during the day, fun time in the evenings or vice versa. Or, duties in the beginning of the week and fun time at the end of the week.

My philosophy is to always have something to look forward in doing, something to charge your life batteries and keep them charged. Frequent small events can get us through until the larger ones come around. And realize, God wants us to enjoy our lives.

There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 2:24King James Version (KJV)

Have rest, relaxation and recreation every day of your life. Start today!