prequistesCollege students select classes for their desired degrees.  But, the amount of hours and specific classes that are needed are set up by the college. And, most colleges have perquisites that must be officially taken before a degree can be granted.

In the God’s Guidance Institute, there are many basic courses, but two mandatory courses that must be taken first and renewed every year, and many more times, before completing your Life Degree are:

  1. Words are Power
  2. Renew Your Mind

After the completion of these course you will learn to monitor your mouth and refresh your way of thinking with God.

Words are Power will enlighten on the strength, effectiveness, and sway of spoken words. This is a difficult course to take because the devil, the world and other negative factors have convinced many people that words are just words. Say whatever you want to say; whenever you want to say them; to whomever you what to say them; and however you want to say them. People have branded this as I am just speaking my mind.

And, it has become the norm to speak unsupportive, perverse and antagonistic words and phrases about yourself, family, friends and future. People brand this as I am just speaking the truth.

  • Self: I’m ugly; I’m fat; I’m stupid; I’m so unhappy; I’m miserable.
  • Family: You will never amount to anything; n-o one will love you; you are an idiot.
  • Friends: You can’t get that degree; you will never get married; why are you even trying to do better?
  • Future: I will never be able to get a house. I will never pay off these bills; I will always be this way; Things will never work out; I will never get a job.

Words contain power. Look at it this way. If there is electricity connected to your home, when you enter the house you flip a switch and the room is illuminated. If you choose not to flip the switch you will walk around in darkness. If you speak negative words you walk in the darkness of negativeness. If you speak positive words, you will be illuminated with advantageousness.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21 (KJV)

The way to begin this course is: stop and listen to your words. Before you speak, stop and think about what you are about to say. Listen to your words. Are they uplifting or depressing? Constructive or destructive?  Encouraging or discouraging?

This course will teach you to speak goodness into existence. And, to realize your words effects your thoughts.

If your words affect your thoughts. Your thoughts influence your behaviors. The next mandatory course is Renew the Mind. This course will instruct on your mind process. To think about what you think about. This class will teach how to refresh your mind with God. To think like God, and to shape your actions and reactions to God’s Word, Wisdom Will and Way.

 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; Ephesians 4:23 (KJV)

Many of the thoughts that rattle around in your mind have been imprinted by parents, spouses, friends, society and let us not forget the devil. The devil loves to whisper adverse themes in our minds. That is why it is very important to renew your mind with God and allow those beliefs to overpower any concepts that the devil may attempt to impact.

Life analogy: If you buy an older home and you want to make this home an upgraded, state of the art, masterpiece with a resell value double the purchase price, you must renovate. To remove all items that are not of value. Time will be spent on ceilings, floorings, moldings, paint colors, appliances and furniture. The items placed into the home will be well selected. You would not allow subpar materials, broken down furniture and second hand items into your new domicile, because your thoughts are placed on the present living arrangements and the future worth of the property.

This same concept can be applied to your old way of thinking. If you want to experience God’s plan for your life and with a prosperous future for you and your family, your mind must be renovated with God. Take out all the junky, old, broken down thinking and replace it with God’s upgraded, state of the art, Words and thoughts. And, stand firm don’t be convinced or swayed to think on the worlds’ ways or the devil’s persuasions.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2 (KJV)

As you mature in life, these two classes will be taken over and over again with multiple enhancements, refreshers, in- services and learning aids. To get a head start on your classes. Study the Word of God. Pray for guidance. Do what God instructs you to do. Keep God first!