Thou shalt have no other gods before me…Exodus 20:3 

 The terminology of god can refer to a spirit or being that has power. Power is the ability to control people. What god has power of you? Who are you making gods out of? Who has control over you causing you to be stripped of power? Anyone or anything you serve before God is your idol.  Below, there are 10 spirits or beings that may be described as gods. Beings are related to people and spirits are described as forces that can rob you of your strength, authority or control. Remember, God gives you power, He does not strip you of power.

  1. Fear is one most crippling emotion or spirit that can hinder your life or stop you from of living a prosperous life. Simply, fear means to be afraid. You don’t take chances because of fear. You will not go back to school; change jobs; have a relationship; take an exotic vacation; relocate to a new destination; or any act that takes you out of your comfort zone, all because of fear. Fear can be a healthy response to alert to danger or to warn something that is wrong. However, when it overwhelms, that you are always afraid that the unknown will not work out, you have allowed fear to become a god, having power and control over you.
  2. Worry. The first cousin to fear is worry. To constantly mediate on problems or fears, or always thinking something bad will happen, that is worry. You may worry when you feel you are out of control or  when an immediate response to your negative issue does not come to mind. People worry about jobs, money, children or illness. If you worry about the past and what happened; the future what could happen; or the present, what is not happening, worry is your god. A chronic worrier will worry when there is nothing to worry about.
  3. Anger. The state of being mad. Anger is a normal emotion, everyone encounters. Intense anger causes destructive behaviors. Fury, that causes harm or hurt to yourself or others, is a spirit that robs you and others of power. When you have so much anger inside, that the simplest issue pushes you into a rampage. When people treat you timidly, because certain words said or certain acts performed, that goes against your way of thinking, causing you to go into fury, you have allowed anger to be your god. And, the people around you have allowed your temper to be their god.
  4. Ambition. The ability to want to move up in your job is normal. To expand your knowledge and start a business is understandable. To achieve in a sport, that you are good at, is admirable. Trouble will follow when you allow your ambition to consume you. When the aspiration is all you can think of, when you are willing to do anything to achieve it, when you sacrifice family, health and relationship to maintain it, when you are willing to destroy, harm or hurt people to expand it, your ambition has become your god.
  5. Addictions. Food, alcohol and drugs, are only a few addictions. Today, addictions are running rapid. People are self-medicating by using drugs, alcohol and food. They are attempting to fill a void. Remember, there are other addictions that are not recognized: lying, gossiping, backbiting or nosiness are common. Today, one of the largest addiction is social media. Early in the morning, late at night, multiple times in the day, people are connected with some outlet of social media. Are you bowing down to social media.
  6. Relationships. Husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriend be aware. Oftentimes, one partner is drawn to their partner because of income, social status, and educational background, physical appearance, sexiness, demeanor or personality. This may be well and fine until one partner begins to put the other one on a pedestal, believing they can do no harm or hurt. Believing everything they say and do is okay. The true problem arises when you put their word in action, instead of God’s Word. Ignoring God’s direction and always following the direction of the partner, and in many cases, you know it is wrong, but you do it anyway. This does not mean to confer or compromise with your partner, but God should always be in the midst. Often, abuse and intimidation creeps in relationships. One partner may want the other to prove their love, urging them to commit acts. Or, allowing the mate to come back after multiple acts of transgressions. The other partner may relent due to fear, of losing that person. Physical, sexual or emotional abuse can be inflicted to gain control, thus robbing the other one of their power. If you are in this type of relationship you have made that person a god. You fear them and not God.
  7. Family/Friends. Family and friends can be a great source of knowledge and guidance. However, if you must ask multiple family members and various friends, before deriving at a solution, or, you must have their validation, there may be a problem. People are fallible. They may allow personal feelings of anger, envy, frustration and fear influence their advice to you. If you go to family and friends, first, and do not include God in your plans, or you went to God and He gave you clear directions, on a certain matter, but you allow others to talk you out of it, you have created a friends and family god.
  8. Children. Children are a gift from God. As parents, you have a responsibility to teach, love and provide for your children. Parents want their children to have more than they had. When you put your children above God. When you place them on pedestals. When you fail to teach them about life, right and wrong, because you fear they will not like you. When you shower them with praise and promises and not discipline and directions. When you are attempting to live your life through them. When you excessively push them to achieve accomplishments, so you can receive the glory, you are making your children a god.
  9. Employers. Bosses, supervisors or managers are to be respected because of their rank. Some leaders take advantage of their position. They may misuse their leadership with fear and intimidation. If you stay in a position accepting abuse for fear of losing your job; or, remain at a job because of fear of never getting another one; you are allowing the employer to rob you of power and take control. This is a delicate situation for many people, because they have families to raise and bills to pay. My advice is to pray to the Almighty God for direction on what to do, when to do it, and where to go. But, be honest and ask yourself, are you doing all you can do on the job? Are you doing what is required of you? Or, are you responsible for some of the mistreating, by not doing your job at 100%? Look out for the boss god.
  10. You. You want people to admire and look up to you. It is one thing to be a good role model. However, it is something entirely different when you constantly boast about you, your spouse or children’s accomplishments, endeavors and adventures. You have deemed yourself as one who knows all, seen all and done all. You expect everyone to come to you for advice and become perturbed when they don’t heed to your wisdom. You are a self-proclaimed god.