What is the Intimate Conversation

What is prayer? The response may differ according to the person, their background, culture or race. Oftentimes, prayers have become a laundry list of people to bless; what is needed or what is desired with an abundant amount of time spent asking for forgiveness. Prayer time has been designated to cry, moan and complain to God. Or pepper God with […]

I’ve Been Robbed

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me—NOT. Has someone called you a bad name—loser? Whore? Stupid? Fat? Or, said a remark defaming your character: you will never amount to anything, you are worthless, you can’t do anything right? The problem begins when the names or remakes are repeated, often enough, you begin to believe […]

Hate the Players! Hate the Game!

Playing any type of game, cards, board or sports, you must know the game and the players. The skill to play the game and knowing the rules and regulations is the beginning. Identifying and familiarizing with the opponents will enhance the ability to win. Without these factors, no competition can be won. One of the greatest game to be won […]

Intro to Teen Trail

Are you missing something in your life? A mother? A father? A family? Are you unpopular? Are you being bullied? Do you feel like you don’t fit in? Are you attracted to the wrong guy? Or girl? Are you lonely? Do you want to change your life? Do you know who you are? Are you afraid? Did you know that […]

Intro to Parent’s Path

It’s not easy. The road is difficult. But here we are. It is a must. We are losing our future—our children. Let’s save the children. The world has become a scary place for our children to reside. Society rules and dictates ways of living. Our youth look up to athletes, actors and musicians as role models. Video games, electronic devices […]