The Poison of The “I” Disease

When you drink the poison you are plagued with the disease. The poison is pride and the disease is the “I” disease. I deserve.., I need…, I am…, I did this…, I have…, I went… With the “I” disease one symptom is the name dropper. Gucci, Prada, Michael Kors, Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana drools from your lips. Product prices protrudes […]

Rough and Ready

“If You Build It They Will Come” That was a line taken from the movie Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner. The line reflected on the character, Ray, a struggling farmer and if he builds a baseball diamond in his corn fields, the Chicago White Sox would come. Obediently, he builds the structure. And, the game begins. Now, the poverty […]

The Greatest Lover: For the Men

Are you looking for the love of your life? Someone who will make you feel like a  king: to honor, understand, save and preserve you? And, you will choose her above all others? Who is this lover? Where can this lover be found? Your Almighty Father describes this perfect lover. He chose this lover for you as your guide in […]