Rough and Ready
“If You Build It They Will Come” That was a line taken from the movie Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner. The line reflected on the character, Ray, a struggling farmer and if he builds a baseball diamond in his corn fields, the Chicago White Sox would come. Obediently, he builds the structure. And, the game begins. Now, the poverty stricken farmer charges admission and prosperity follows.
This is the same type of response that came to me when I asked God about some issues. The example I presented to God: if a person has a good job, a decent relationship/marriage, an updated car and money in the bank for unexpected expenses, vacations, adult toys and lavish gifts for themselves and others, why would they want to come to know You, Lord? It appears to them and others that they are doing just fine by their own self works and efforts. I continued to pray on my journey: why would anyone want to read my newsletter or my website, when it refers to changing their lives and their present way of thinking? What’s the point? God responded to me in my heart, “When they are ready they will read”.
The terminology rough and ready refers to being willing, ready and able to do what needs to be done. When it’s “their” time, the people who turn to God, will not have fancy skills or mucho money in the bank, but they will do what it takes to acknowledge God in their everyday life. Their discovery is, they need God.
The things people think they can control are materialistic things like: homes, cars or play toys. A good job can take care of these matters. But, the loss of a job can put a screeching halt to those so-called controllable items. Illnesses or death of loved ones are not controlled by man. Emptiness, loneliness and a lack of purpose are not controlled but sometimes are replaced with drugs, alcohol and other man-made solutions to fill the void. We think we are in control of our lives because negative forces (the devil and his devises) surrounds you, whispering to you, that you are in control. When in actuality, God is pulling at your heart to come to Him because He is in control. Making the correct choices in life may be difficult.
The point God placed on my heart to convey to you: when you are ready to take the time to study the Word, have the desire to have a close relationship with God, and to do His Will rather than your own will, when the discovery is made, that you need God in all areas of your life, God will be there. And my newsletter and website will be available to assist in your journey. Become rough and ready.
Avenues of Awareness
Reflection Road
- Is God a distant acquaintance to you because everything is going great in your life and you really don’t see the point of an intimate relationship with him?
- It’s easy to give yourself 98% credit and God 2% credit for your achieved goals. In other words, you may mouth a quick thanks to God, but the rest of the time, you are basking in your glory. Do you do that?
Devil’s Drive
The devil encourages self-works laced with pride and arrogance, when the goal is completed, you give thanks to yourself and your abilities. Your glory is short lived.
Grace is undeserved, unmerited favor a free gift from God. Wisdom is God’s knowledge to know things. With grace and wisdom you can do all things in God. So thanks go to God. His glory is eternal, in this world and the next.
World’s Way
The world thrives on self-effort notions and giving yourself the praise for your success. Books and videos are created for this purpose. There is nothing wrong with learning how to be successful and working hard to get things in life. But if God is not somewhere in the foundation or thanks is given to a video or book there lies a problem. Regardless, if you acknowledge it or not the true essence of great achievements is God.
Personal Pathway
Getting into the LPN program and completing the nursing classes came with limited challenges. Instead of acknowledging God for the accomplishment, I patted myself on the back and contributed my success to my hard work and my intelligence. I thought overconfidently, that the RN program would be an extension of my previous achievement. It was not. Getting into the RN program, took 2 attempts. Even though I scored 95% on the entrance exam. There were candidates receiving 98% and 99%. Once I was accepted into the curriculum, the hospital clinicals were overwhelming, the classes were difficult and the reading assignments were endless. Plus, I was a single mother raising 3 children. My life was out of control. I felt as though I was running 100 miles an hour and not getting anywhere. I needed help. I needed God. I prayed. I asked for forgiveness for my arrogance and pride thinking I achieved success totally on my own. I asked for wisdom to get me through the nursing program. And requested guidance in raising my children while I attended nursing classes. God blessed me with all requests. I learned to trust God, not myself.
Lord’s Lane
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 King James Version (KJV)