Have you taken a trip, arrived at your destination and discovered your luggage was lost? You’re in one city and your baggage is in another city. Or, the whereabouts of your bags are unknown? How did you feel? If the airline, train or bus personnel are responsible for your lost items, you are outraged. You demand immediate results of locating your luggage.

Let’s view this at another angle. Have you taken a trip, and discovered you were lost? The surroundings are unfamiliar, the GPS lost its signal and your cell phone battery is dead. Fear, frustration, helplessness and anger are exhibited. Who do you blame? You were responsible for arriving at your destination.

We all have gotten off the correct path and have become lost. Lost is a scary thing, not knowing where you are or where to go. The surroundings look foreign and out of place. Using the compare and contrast of being lost on the road and being lost in life, there are things to do to be found.

On the road, have you turned left when you should have gone right? Or, went straight when you should have turned? When you discovered the err of your ways, do you camp out in a place you should not be. No, you will do everything to get back on track. You want to go home, or at least to your chosen destination.

In life, we all have taken the wrong turns. Today, there are many people who are lost and are not fighting to get back on track. They are not trying to get home or to their chosen destination. They are camping out in a lost area, wondering why nothing is going right. Why do they stay there?

The truth is, an internal alert goes off when you are traveling in an unfamiliar territory. You realize something is not right. Internally, you know you are lost before it confirmed from other sources. You know before you know. This concept is true in life. You usually know when you are going in a wrong direction.

When you are lost get:  F.O.U.N.D. Focus Obey Understand Navigate Determination.

Focus. When you are lost on the road, you may focus on the signs, your surroundings, something to help you find your way. Some people focus on the North Star, the brightest star in Ursa Minor. They know there are traveling North. In life, focus on God. Allow Him to be your North Star. He will guide and direct you to His path of deliverance, for you.

Obey. If someone told you directions how to get back on tract, you would obey. You would perform every step to get back to where you want to be. Obey God. If you want to get out of the life you are leading, you must obey Him. This step is probably the most difficult step for many people. People pray to God, He hears you and provides you with sound wisdom. But, you decide to go off course and do your own thing. Or, listen to other people, who are just as lost as you are If you don’t obey God, you find yourself in a deeper pit of the unknown.

Understanding- Realized how you got where you are. In the beginning, you received good directions, but you turned left instead of right. Or, went straight when you should have turned. You want to realize your mistakes, so you don’t repeat them. Understanding, knowing why, is an important step on your journey.

Navigate. When you are lost you may find yourselves on unpaved roads or dangerous locations. You must navigate with caution.  In life, navigate through the tough times. Work your way over and around obstacles. Distractions can be significant causes of becoming lost and staying lost. You know what you need to do, but simple things pop up and get your attention going elsewhere. Procrastination (putting things off), laziness (moving slowly; not putting in the effort) are other causes. Navigate through roadblocks of life.

Determination.  Lost on the road, you will do anything to get back to home. You would not give up and live in unknown destination. In life, never give up, never give in. If you don’t want to be lost on the road, don’t get lost in life. Never give up finding the place you want to be and need to be. Many people do not know where to go. Ask God. He has a good plan for your life.

We all have big dreams and goals we want to accomplish, but sometimes they are unrealistic. Dreams obtained from watching television; reading magazines or seeing people who are rich and famous are unobtainable for most. God has given us all special gifts, if we use the God given gifts, we stand more a chance accomplishing big dreams and desires in a totally different way, God’s way.