Do you remember your struggle? What happens to you, after the race? You have completed your race, maybe you have completed several races. You have crossed multiple finish lines and won.

Have you ever met someone who has accomplished a goal and forget how they got there? For example, parents raising children, we, sometimes, forget when we were young and made wrong choices. We expect our children to see their lives, through our adult eyes. Remember, we did not think that way, when were young. I realize we don’t want our children to make the same mistakes as we did. And, of course, we want more for our children. Just take in account, we were young, once.  

Another example: a person who has good life. They have money in the bank; drive a luxury car; own a nice home; possess a good career and have a small business. How often does this same person appears to look down on others who are struggling? Or, believe they are better than others who don’t have what they possess? They have forgotten the days when it was difficult for them to make ends meet and how they were in the same situation, once upon a time.

The phrase “after the race” refers to a time when you have achieved what you were striving for. And, you are in a better place than you were before. Below are only a few tips to keep yourself grounded and humble.

  • Don’t be critical, judgmental, harsh and cruel of those who have not crosses their finished lines. It may take them longer, in life, to get where they need to be.
  • Don’t be boastful, arrogant or flaunty concerning your accomplishments. No one likes a windbag or show off.  
  • Remember, you cannot change people, you can only change your perception. There will be people who don’t want anything out of life and that is their choice. They may be envious of your accomplishments. Offer your help in a humble way, if they refuse your help, it may be time for you to more on.
  • Stop expecting people to think like you. People have different philosophies and different paths than yours. Respect other people’s races.
  • Be a role model. Have the right attitude, right behavior and right words, at the right time. Offer encouragement, not criticism.
  • Extend the olive branch, offer peace, forgiveness and understanding. But, don’t expect what you do to others they will automatically extend the same to you. Do your part and keep living your life.

And always, always, remember:

  • You were not always where you are today.
  • How long it took you to get there?
  • How long it took for you the get a positive mindset.
  • How many people, in the past, tried to encourage you and you refused or would not listen.
  • Your stubborn and rebellious days.
  • The times you started, gave up, or was distracted and got off course.
  • You failed and wandered for a while, before you got back on track.
  • You made a wrong turn; a bad choice and it knocked you down.

Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. Matthew 7:1-2 New King James Version (NKJV)

Just remember, before your race was accomplished, before passing judgment.