What is your dessert? A well-balanced meal is one of the key elements of a healthy lifestyle. It contains protein, vegetables, grains, and a dessert. This daily consumption of this meal can keep away excessive weight and disease. It keeps the system running smoothly and provides energy.
Issues occur when the balanced meal becomes unbalanced. Too much protein, no vegetables, and double portions of grains/starches. And, fat and sugar is induced in mega quantities, resulting in obesity, diabetes, sluggishness, and fatigue. Today, instead of balancing the meal, more food is piled on until the meal becomes a mega meal.
Comparing the well-balanced meal to having a well-balanced life. This theory can apply to your life, when you have too much of one thing, not enough of the other and lacking vital elements, your life becomes unbalanced.
Signs of unbalanced life:
- Being bored. You just don’t have anything fulfilling to do.
- Fatigued all the time.? This is not necessarily connected with being tired from a hard day of work. Just feeling blah, all the time.
- Always feel there is not enough hours in the day.
- Not enjoying life, always watching someone else enjoying their life.
- Running all the time, but getting nowhere fast.
- Always looking at the past, yesteryears.
- Meddling in someone else’s life, because you don’t have your own.
- Constantly in the future, not enjoying today.
- Excessive use of social media. Yes, this is a great form of communication, however, ask yourself, are you overusing these elements because you just don’t have anything stimulating, in your life?
- Constantly talking on the phone, not to keep line communication open or to reach out to a loved one, but to get engrossed in the drama and gossip, getting the dirt on someone.
- Restlessness after retirement, because you have nothing to do, after the first few months of retirement.
Let’s make protein your work life. Vegetables are obligations; Grain can be household affairs. The dessert should be something you enjoy. Something to look forward to, after your meal.
- First get your work life balanced, in check. Maybe give up excessive overtime at work. Only you can determine this according to your job.
- Household chores can be delegated to other members of the family. Or, breakdown chores and spread them throughout the week instead of using your entire weekend cooking, cleaning and running errands.
- Make should your obligations are in check. What obligations do you need to do? Which ones you agreed to perform, but did not really want to because you did not have the courage to say no. Rethink your obligations?
- Find your dessert. Your dessert should be something just for you. Your reward after performing the things required of you. Your dessert should be curtailed for you. You cannot eat someone else dessert and enjoy it. Desserts can be anything. Hobbies, interests something to look forward to, not months and months away; not next year. A vacation a 1 ½ years away is a dessert, however, what desserts are you eating, now. Find a dessert you can eat daily.
How to get your meal balanced and find your dessert?
- Ask God. He will give you an unbiased answer. Asking your loved ones or friend may not be wise, because they may be in the same situation as you are.
- Look at your meal find ways to balance them. Only you can do this.
- Find you dessert. Make sure your dessert does not overpower your meal. You need them both.
- Explores options. Investigate how other people have balanced meals, with desserts.
- Start small. Do not bite off more than you chew. Your hobbies do not need to cost hundreds of dollars. Go small and build up according to your circumstances.
- Find something you enjoy. Don’t try and mimic someone else’s hobby or interest. It may not suit you. Do something you like to do, something that will hold your interest.
If you find your purpose, you may be able to find your dessert. God has a good plan for your life. Ask Him.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 New King James Version (NKJV)