We are superheroes. My definition of a superhero is a person utilizing the power within to assist those who are vulnerable. These champions have gifts and talents bestowed upon them, from a source or event willingly or unwillingly. Despite perilous situations, they prevail on to victory going through leaps and bounds to get there.
Basically, these are a group of extraordinary individuals with superhuman powers, obtained by design, accident, ability or heritage; who battle supervillains and save the world.
Why do we love these crusaders? Maybe, the concept of believing one person can make a difference to fight the evils of the world, while protecting the defenseless. Superheroes are admired, praised and leaned upon. They become role models, for mortal men.
The superheroes viewed on the big screen or read about in comics are fictitious characters created by imaginative minds. But, are all superheroes, fantasy? No.
Let’s break down the word superhero. A hero is a person who is greatly admitted for some brave act, accomplishment or quality. Super is defined as extremely good or very powerful.
Today, modern day superheroes are viewed as firefighter running, into blazing buildings; military soldiers battling wars, in far off counties; or police officers fighting crimes, in dangerous situations.
The truth is we, are superheroes, created by God. Let me explain how.
All superheroes, modern day or in fantasy, have activated their heroism and have things in common. These activations and commonalties must be obtained for you to become a superhero. You must have:
- Set Mindset. You must have a set and willing mindset, the ability to think a particular way. You must have a mental attitude, that you want to become a superhero. You must want to become what you want to become. If not, any obstacle, distraction, test, or trouble you will abandon your role. Is your mind read?
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 New King James Version (NKJV).
- Powers. Discover your powers. God has given all of us all, special gifts, talents or abilities to perform special tasks and to complete an ultimate purpose. When you discover your calling, and you realize this is a calling from God. God will put His “super” on your natural ability. Thus, the creation of your superpowers. Many people do not tap into their special talents or have not discovered their ultimate purpose. While others realize their special gift, but if it is not dazzling, sexy or exciting, or if it does not immediately produce plenty of money, it may be ignored. Do you know your special power and purpose?
- Training. Perfect your power. Get the necessary training. Learn, research and enhance your powers through school, mentors or reading. Remember superheroes may have multiple roles in life. Their full-time job may be a reporter and a superhero when needed. Learn and perfect all of roles, in your life.
- Timing. There is a time for everything. Nowadays, impatience runs the world. Everyone wants what they want, now. No one wants to wait. You may know your powers, but if you use them before time, you may fail. Good intentions, at the incorrect time, may result in failure. If you discover your calling is writing, that does not necessarily mean for you to quit your job and write full time. Wait until, you know, for sure, when to move forward.
- A will to do good and serve others. If you have a desire to use your powers for pride, money, greed, selfishness, or to control others, you have become a supervillain. A super villain is a person using their powers to perform evil. Their role is not about serving others, but self-serving. They are only thinking about themselves and their families, not other people. Do not use your powers for evil.
What hinders a person from becoming a superhero?
- Unbelief prevents people from becoming God’s superheroes. They don’t believe in God, not truly. They don’t know the powers of God or believe God has given them gifts to achieve a certain purpose. They don’t believe they have a special gift or calling. If you have doubt or unbelief, ask God. If you don’t believe, you will never discover your superpowers.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. James 1:5-6 New King James Version (NKJV)
- Low self-esteem. Some people feel that they do not matter. They feel unimportant or insignificant. They allow people and situation to make them feel that way. They sit back and allow others to fly. Oftentimes, they befriend others who think the same way. Superheroes are confident and focused. They feel they can achieve anything.
- Ignorance. They don’t know about God, special gifts and powers. Some of these people don’t know and really don’t want to know. Or, they lack the energy to do the work to become a superhero. Be knowledgeable and educated.
For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. Romans 10:3 New King James Version (NKJV)
- Lack of reality. These individuals have overexaggerated beliefs that powers are only in the comics or movies. Their definition of power is the jumping off buildings or standing in front or spraying bullets and surviving. They believe in fantasy not reality. Get real, we have powers.
Don’t believe, you, as a superhero who is using your superpowers, at the correct time, for good, that your deeds will be plastered on television and newspapers. Or, your recognitions will be well known. Become a superhero because that is the right thing to do, nor for recognition, fame or fortune.
There are so many unsung superheroes. Missionaries are people who travel to foreign countries to perform charitable deeds. Children lovers have special ways with children. They have the patience and skill set to work, educate and have compassion, for all types of children. Caregivers for the elderly, sick, disabled are valuable. Do you know people who appear to have a specific gift when it comes to dealing with this population? These are special people performing a special job. They are superheroes.
Are you thinking you should be doing more? Your life is becoming routine, without purpose. Do you know your special gift? Discover your superpowers and become a superhero. Do your job, be a hero.