Negativity is the oblivious killer. Oblivious is the lack of knowledge or awareness. A killer is a person who is extremely difficult to deal with. A negative person is usually extremely difficult to deal with, and many of them are not even aware of their negativity. In most cases, they think the other person is unreasonable; or, people just don’t listen to them; or people just don’t understand them.

According to Merriam-Webster, negative is defined as thinking about the bad qualities of someone or something: thinking that a bad result will happen not hopeful.

When referring to negative people that definition is on point. N.E.G.A.T.I.V.E

N-Never seeing the good in anything.

E– expresses dislike or disapproval of most things. If it is not something that they have not personally performed, they tend to express disapproval, because they cannot relate, they will dislike the concept.

G-Great at correcting others. Correcting others give them a lift that they knew something, or, could produce something or possess something other people did not have.

A-Angry lurks just below the surface. And with one scratch, the angry erupts. It takes very little for negative people to become angry and remain angry.

T-Told you so, is their mantra. They must express that the inform someone of something, and the person decided to do something else, or did not listen to them and the situation did not work out. Negative people feel justified, sometimes elated in letting the person know that their method was not sought, and the person failed in the specific matter. They have a need to say, “I told you so.”

I-Idleness lacking any purpose, not having much activity. They lack goals or realistic dreams. They will often attempt to destroy other people’s dreams.

V-Voices bitterness. They are unhappy due to some unfair treatment. It can be their childhood; with their jobs; in their relationships. Their painful emotions are deeply embedded in their hearts. On the outside, they attempt to look happy, but a spitefulness remains inside.

E-Enjoy comparing themselves with others, just as long as they are the ones on top. Often they will express, their house is bigger; their child is smarter; their car is newer; their electronic devices are more updated or is the latest version.

A wrathful man stirs up strife, But he who is slow to anger allays contention. Proverbs 15:18 New King James Version (NKJV).

How to overcome the Obvious Killer? Become the Peaceful, Positive Player.

Negative people need positivity. They are troubled souls battling issues. They need peace. And you must become the opposite of what they are? You cannot deal with negative people when you are just as negative as they are and you are oblivious to your fault. Both personalities will clash.

You must be a peaceful participant, with the motto of pursuing, protect and preserve your peace. People who have discovered the gift of peace, living in a peace-loving environment, they will fight for their peace and stay away from situations that will rob them of their peace.

The Peaceful Participants are the opposite of the Oblivious Killer. They:

  • Are not quick to correct others, they see no need. They are comfortable in the skin.
  • Are slow to angry. A peaceful approach comes first.
  • Find no need in expressing I told you so. They realize people make mistakes.  
  • Have goals and dreams and encourages others to follow their aspirations.
  • Have gone through the process of obtaining peace and the ways to keep it.
  • Have no bitterness in their hearts, because peace has pushed it out.
  • Will sit back and allow others to brag on their possessions, because they nothing to prove.  

If you are not a Peaceful Participant, it will difficult for you to take on an Oblivious Killer. If you are involved with drama and dramatics is your curtain call, you are not ready. They will kill you or you will kill them.

When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7 New King James Version (NKJV)