Choices, Costs, Consequences Continues Throughout Life

Where did the time go? You are past the years of teenagerhood, you are not a twenty something. You may be in your 40’s, or 50’s. You have a job, apartment or a house. Maybe, you’re married with children, or a single parent. You are a little older and wiser. You have fears from previous experiences. You walk a little more cautiously. Just because you are older you still need to make good choices. However, if you still think you can do things without God, you will find yourself going down unnecessary paths of life.
Read: Choices, Costs and Consequences for the Youth. As a young adult, you may think one way, but by your 40’s your mindset should change. Below the first sentence is what the youth says, and the latter is what the middle age may say.
- My entire life is in front of me. You don’t have your entire life ahead, but many years to come. It’s time to make good decisions for you and your children.
- I have all the time in the world. You still have many years ahead of you. Now, it’s time to make them count.
- I am invincible. Maybe not invincible, but strong and healthy.
- I am smarter than my parents. You realize you have become your parents.
- My parents don’t understand. Your choices, resulting in your consequences, you may begin to think that no one understands you.
- I will not make the mistakes of my parents. You realize, you made bigger and bolder mistakes than your parents.
- My generation matters. Your generation matters to be the example for future generations.
- I’m in love. Now, you can discern love and affection from lust and sex.
- No one is going to tell me what to do. You seek good advice to prevent further bad choices.
- I got this. You realized you don’t have anything.
- It could never happen to me. Now you know, life happens to everyone.
- It’s time to party. You party more with a little grace and dignity.
If you find yourself still relating to the first sentence, of the above proclamations, it’s time to grow up. Stop trying to live the life of your youth. You cannot act like a 20-year-old forever. Have fun, enjoy your life but move on to the next stage. This stage is not settling into retirement, but being responsible your future. How do you make better choices?
Get the precious metal. Get S.I.L.V.E.R Seek. Ignite. Learn. Victory. Eliminate. Remember.
S-Seek God. You cannot do anything successfully, without Him. Do not rely solely on people, they are fallible. Rely on yourself, with God. Doing it without Him, this is pride.
And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. Deuteronomy 28:2 King James Version (KJV)
I–Ignite your own fire. Stop waiting for people to encourage you. Encourage yourself. Light that fire and run into the smoke of success.
L-Learn to live your life. Do not try to mimic the lives of the rich and famous. Don’t try to live your neighbor’s life. God has ordained a life, specifically, for you. Seek Him to find out what it is and live the best life you could ever live.
V–Victory comes when the pursuit is made. You cannot sit around and think of all the things you desire, or the things you what to do, without pursuing a plan to get them. It takes work. Your dreams are not going to just fall out of the sky, or appear in front of you. Opportunities may come in that fashion, but you still must labor toward your attended goal. Victory comes after effort.
E–Eliminate the stressors out of your life. Phase out people who are holding you back. Get rid of habits; fight fears; eliminate the elements that are stressing you out.
R–Remember your past mistakes, only to avoid making them again. Do not live in the past, it hinders you from your future. Remember the times, God strengthened you to overcome afflictions. Remember your victories not your defeats.
You may not be at the beginning of your life, but you are not at the end, either. Make better choices, not only for you, but for your children. They are watching you and mimicking your behaviors. And if you don’t have children, be an example to your friends, family and loved ones. They are watching you, too.
For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. John 13:15 King James Version (KJV)