New Year’s Resolutions are for those who want a change in their lives and have decided the first of the year is a great time to initiate them. Let’s explore some life resolutions. Life decisions that will affect your life and can be initiated, anytime in your life. Below are behaviors no one wants to admit. Why? It could be denial, these behaviors are so ingrained in your life; are practiced so often in your life or have been exercised by many people. These traits don’t feel wrong, because society dictates it’s okay to do them and often encourages you to perform them. Take time to read them. Ask God to open your mind and heart, to accept the concept, this could be you.
- God is absent. Do you have a relationship with God? Relationships with God is more than going to church on Sundays. It is obtaining a relationship with intimate conversations (prayers) with Him daily. Asking Him for guidance and instruction on your life.
- Changing others. Are you always trying to change others? No one will change unless they want to change. Many relationships’ issues start because one partner wants to change the other partner to their way of thinking and acting. Keep in mind, you cannot change others, but you can change yourself to be able to perceive and react to others.
- Gossip. Is gossiping something that you say you don’t do, but enjoy doing it? You love to indulge in a good round of gossip. You are enamored in hearing the issues in other peoples’ lives. And, of course, when you mention these tidbits of information to others, you may add or subtract elements to keep the scandal captivating.
- Drama. Are you a drama queen? You love to take the dramatic avenue on every subject. Your life is a stage and you have cast yourself as the star actor and melodrama is your solo scene.
- Victimism. You are always the victim. You always feel you are being attacked. You feel no one understand you. The world is against you. Everything is geared specifically toward you. You think no one else has gone through what you are experiencing. You are at a constant “Woe is Me” mentality. This only happens to me, is your motto.
- Worry. Do you obsess about everything? Worry is obsessing over something you cannot change or control. You are determined to find a solution. So, you find yourself turning the same issue over and over in your mind, allowing the worst scenarios to haunt you, to the point of sleepless night and worried filled days.
- Anger. Is anger lying just beneath the surface. Is your anger ready to ignite, on any occasion? You are ready to fight or argue an issue, at the drop of a hat.
- Unforgiving. Is it difficult for you to forgive? Someone does something to you and you remain angry at them, for weeks, years or life?
- Impatience. You are quickly peeved when things do not happen when you want them to happen. Now, you are ready to give up?
- Negativity. If nine positive things happen to you and one negative thing, do you find yourself announcing, broadcasting and highlighting on the negative one? You tend to ignore all the positive, only to harp on the one negative factor?
What are the solutions to the ten negative emotions, feeling or behaviors listed above? Solutions may vary according the person. However, these are 5 components that can get you started on your quest.
- Awareness– You must have a knowledgeable and understanding attitude that you may be guilty of some of the characteristics listed above. If you don’t recognize that you have “issues” you cannot move on to change.
- Truth and honesty-You need to stop lying to yourself that you are ok; everyone else is doing it; your behaviors are warranted; you are not as bad as others; or you only behavior this way, sometimes. It is amazing how many reasons people can come up with to avoid the truth that a change is needed.
- Willingness-You must have a will to change. To embrace a strong determination to be better, to act better, to become a better person.
- God. You may be able to adapt all the above, however, without God, your road is more difficult. Obstacles will materialize to keep you from accomplishing your goal. God is your sun and shield to help you fight through your battles of life.
- Read your Bible. For every negative emotion above, there is a positive Bible scripture to teach and guide you to combat these issues. Google or Bing can assist. Type in Bible scriptures and anger (or whatever emotion you want to research), and resources will populate, and you can choose from various selections. Pick up your Bible or download an online Bible app and begin to enlighten your life.
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4 (KJV).