God has a type of Life Plan that everyone is eligible to contribute bad investments and receive great returns. It is called God’s 501P because God offers His 5 precious P’s of peace, perspective, protection, prosperity and prospective to provide a path of positive position and proper principles in life, now and in the future.
To participate in God’s501P you must abide by these conditions.
- Belong to The Bank of B & T. (Believe and Trust) You must believe and trust in God.
- Adhere to the L&O clause. Listen & Obey. After receiving directions from God, you must listen and obey His directions.
- Requirements are honesty and accountability. You must be honest with yourself and be accountable for your actions in your bad investments
The first condition you must belong to the Bank of B&T. Believe and Trust.
According to Merriam-Webster, believe – to consider to be true. To accept as evidence. To have a firm wholehearted conviction.
What do you believe? Who do you believe in? Today, with all the sickness, deaths and the conflicting information, passed from person to person; state to state and country to country, it’s difficult to know what or who to believe.
It’s one thing to be confused about what to believe, but there are people who refuse to talk about any current or future events; they prefer to bury their heads in the sand, waiting for things to go back to normal. When the issues faced today subsides; things will not quite go back to the way it was before, it will be a “new normal”. And, there is a high probability of something like this, occurring again, maybe even worse.
In the future, if something worse happens, are you ready? Is it time to believe in something bigger than you, bigger than the government? It’s time to search for the truth.
Do you believe in God? Many people will answer yes. People know God. However, they do not acknowledge or truly believe in God, in His power, protection, or His love. They refer to God as the man upstairs. Or think He is some heavenly being high in the skies, far away from what is happening and far away from you. That is not true. God is near all of us. He wants to have a bond with you. He wants for you to believe He is true. And for you to have a firm wholehearted conviction of His existence and power. When you establish a relationship with Him. He will teach you the truth about all things and all people.
The reason why people are not turning to God, in these times, they:
- Don’t want to hear the truth.
- Choose to remain ignorant.
- Want to hold onto an unrealistic belief system that promises to keep them comfortable and safe.
- Think talking about God is too preachy.
- Just don’t believe in God.
- Put more stock in themselves or other people.
- Are indifferent.
- Are too busy living their lives.
Which one are you? If you want to receive the precious gifts God has to offer. You must believe.
Believe God. Seek God. Search for the truth. Don’t keep putting this off. Start today!
He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He. Deuteronomy 32:4 (NKJV)