What kind of life plan do you have? Do you have a retirement plan?  Enroll in a 401K. Invest money now, for the later years. What is a 401K? Basically, it is a retirement account, designed to have funds available when you retire from your job.

This is an oversimplification of a 401K process:

  • The employee takes a % of their salary and the employer generally will match some or all those contributions. It is tax deferred.
  • The employee can choose different types of investments, from the selections their employer offers.
  • There are high and low risk opportunities. This means you can gain much or lose much.
  • The invested amount accumulates throughout the years.
  • If the employee attempts to withdraw from the funds before the “designated set time” (times vary account to the company) the employee must pay taxes and a penalty for early withdrawal.

With any type of retirement plan, there will be guidelines, rules, and regulations to follow according to the company, as well as the investment firm. Your company will provide them.

God has a type of Life Plan that everyone is eligible to contribute. It is called God’s 501P because God offers His 5 precious P’s of peace, perspective, protection, prosperity and prospective to provide a path of positive position and proper principles in life, now and in the future.

In God’s 501P:

  • You contribute your messes and distresses and God will turn your negative contributions into positive returns by His ability and stability.
  • Availability to withdraw funds begins after investing in a relationship with God and observing His Word.
  • There is a big risk of making bad investments, if you do not partake of God’s 501P.
  • It is up to you to pursue the P’s and when obtained, constantly fight to keep them.
  • God wants you to withdraw from His plan and deposit the P’s, in your life, as often as needed, without penalty. No fees for early withdrawal.

As in any type of life plans, there are some conditions. God encourages you to:

  • Belong to the bank of B & T ( Believer and Trust) . You must believe in God and trust God.
  • Adhere to the L&O Clause. Listen and Obey. After receiving directions from God, you must listen and obey His directions.
  • Requirements are honesty and accountability. You must be honest with yourself and take accountability for your actions in your bad investments.

In the following posts, these conditions will be addressed in detail.