You must adhere to the L&O clause-listen and obey. This is the second condition of God’s 501P.
Who do you listen to? Who do you obey? Listen and obey are two different actions but comes as a pair. Listen refers to paying attention to someone or something, giving a respectful attention. Obey means to do what is told to you or to follow commands. You can listen to all types of sound advice or proper guidance. But if you do not comply, what is the point? That is why these two actions are a pair, like gloves or shoes. One without the other is in vain.
When troubles or trials, come your way, who do you turn to, first? Spouse? Family? Friends? Generally, your support system is the first line of defense, for many. However, everyone has an opinion, possibly triggered from their experience, which may not always be good for you. The truth is, if you ask three people about an issue, you will probably get three or more answers, to the same problem. How do you know what the correct course is for you?
If you get in the habit, of going to God first, He is faithful and will provide you with an answer with your best interest at heart. He will send a direct placement in your mind, or in your heart.
Why do people refuse to listen and obey God?
- Impatience. The problem occurred and people want an immediate response, at that very moment. God works in His time, not yours. If you trust and believe, in God, no matter when the answer comes, everything will be okay.
- Friends and family’s answers sounds better.
- People have already decided what to do. And God’s answer differs from theirs.
- Certain individuals tend to listen and adhere to solutions that are comfortable, easy and convenient. God’s guidance usually takes you out of your comfort zone. He is preparing you for bigger challenges and better results.
When trouble comes, stop, look, and listen before reacting or running to any and everyone who will listen. Hear God’s tender voice and tune out your emotions, feelings, and the voices of others. God’s voice is calm, gentle, and quick.
Studying God’s Word and having a relationship with Him is the only way to sharpen your sense of hearing, to recognize His voice. You must pray and meditate on His Word. If you think there is a short cut, there is not.
Next time when trouble occurs:
- Stop, look, listen, and wait for God.
- Don’t be inpatient.
- Stop listening and obeying unwise counsel.
- Don’t always go for the answer that is convenient and comfortable.
- When you hear God’s voice, obey.
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels. Proverbs 1:5 king James Version