Pay Attention to Perspective Ignore Ignorance
Are you living in poverty? Most of the people reading this post will reply, of course not. Poverty-is not always connected with a lack of money. It is a lack of something, a scarcity, not plentiful or abundant. What are you lacking? Happiness? Health? Sense of adventure? Inability to try new things? You can be poor in confidence, self-esteem, courage, belief, or faith. You may be rich in money, but poor in morality.
Contribute your bad investment of poverty for God’s 501P-Prosperity. As poverty does not necessarily mean poor in money. Prosperity does not necessarily mean to be rich, with money. When the term prosperity is used, many people automatically think about money, power, and possessions. God’s prosperity is so much more. God’s Prosperity is holistic relating to your complete system of life, including mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, and social. God blesses all avenues of your life.
Apply God’s 501P conditions:
- You must believe and trust in God that He can bring you out of your poverty-stricken state into a holistic prosperity. Believe and trust that God’s prosperity will touch all aspects of your life.
- Adhere to the L&O clause. Listen & Obey. Are you listening and obeying God’s direction to bring you into a prosperous state? Or are you ignoring His guidance because it may take some work on your part? Example: God may direct you to go back to school to obtain a certificate or degree that will provide you with a better job and more income. But you have created multiple excuses of why you cannot do it. Or, God may direct you to enroll in a gym, for health and emotional well-being, but you declined because you claim you just don’t have the time. If God is telling you to do something you must tap into the 1st condition of believing and trusting that He can and will remove any obstacles, out of your way, to assist you, on your quest.
- Requirements are honesty and accountability. Be honest, do you still believe if you have an abundance of money, everything else will fall into place? Understanding is granted, if you never had any money, thinking to have an abundance of money will bring you happiness. Think about it. Money can buy medicine, but it cannot provide healing. Money can buy groupies, but it cannot make true friends. Money can buy possessions, but it cannot produce joy. Money can buy a house, but not a loving home. Definitely, money cannot buy love.
- You must take account of your poverty-stricken state whatever it is and work to fix it. Stop blaming your family, friends, spouses, government, society, or the world, for your current state of poverty. It is your life, take responsibility.
If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. Job 36:11King James Version