Can you name two substances that are crucial for life? Before you answer, both products can maintain health, balance, and restoration. Without them, different forms of illnesses and disorders may occur. However, each item can produce similar qualities, in different ways. Hint: One has been replaced and the other one has been avoided. Today, many people believe or have been convinced both substances are not really needed. Give up? The first item is water.
Water is an essential element in life. Water is needed for:
- Hydration
- Quench thirst
- Personal hygiene
- Purification and cleansing
- Life-Growth of plants, flowers, and most living creatures.
Water has been replaced with sodas, soft drinks, teas, coffee, and other sweetened drinks. Many people are convinced that if other drinks are consumed that the body will pull out enough water from these liquids to have a healthy life. And many people have testified that they just don’t like water, because it lacks flavor, caffeine components or the fizz and acidity other drinks may contain. The truth is the lack of pure water can cause dehydration, fatigue, persistent headaches, weight gait, dull skin, blood pressure issues and heart disease.
The second element is the Word of God. The Word is one the most powerful and imperative item of life to maintain balance and health, in this chaotic and afflicted world. God’s Word is our water in life, and we need this life-sustaining substance for:
- Hydration of our hearts and minds
- Quench our thirst in God’s wisdom, will, and ways for our lives.
- Spiritual hygiene to keep us clean in this polluted world.
- Purification to sanitize us from the noxious ways of the devil, the world, and evil people.
- Growth of our relationship with God, family, and people.
As water has been replaced, the Word God is flatly avoided. Fewer and fewer people are taking the time to read, study or learn about the Word of God. Why? People have convinced themselves God is not needed in their lives. And, it is much more fun watching television, scrolling on social media, or playing video games.
Avoiding the Word of God may not necessarily bring a physical illness (at least not immediately, that topic is for another Newsletter), but it brings emotional and mental disorders.
- Pride- you think you don’t need God.
- Selfishness-everything is always about you.
- Greed- you always want more and more.
- Ungratefulness- never satisfied with what you have.
- Envious of those who have, what you don’t have.
- Jealous-because you think, you should have, what others have.
- Covetous- wanting what other people have.
It’s been recorded a person can go 3-5 days, without water. How long do you think you can continue to go, without the Word of God? Keep going on the path you are going, and you will find out.
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalm 1:3 (KJV)