You better recognize. Have you ever attended the social event of the year and the next day everyone was mentioned except you? Or, you headed a special project, put in work and sweat, but when the recognitions were given, you were totally left out. How would you feel?
Your manager assisted you with valuable input and important steps to take for your job. You landed a great promotion, you acknowledged yourself, for all of your skills and talents and did not give any thanks or gratitude to your manager. Can you imagine how your manager would feel?
With the examples above, can you image how God feels when all the blessing you received from Him, you acknowledged yourself and everyone else, except God.
It’s time to rethink the way you think and recognize Who provides you with your blessings, skills and talents. When you acknowledge God, He will direct your steps to greater opportunities and more prosperous blessings.
If you don’t acknowledge God, pride sets in thinking you don’t need God and misplaced appreciation goes to the wrong source.
Remember, God sends you the resources, But He is the Ultimate Source.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6 KJV.