Who Are You?
I don’t know who I am. You‘re a daughter, son, brother or sister. You’re a student. You’re a friend. You‘re many things to many people. But, do you truly know who you are?
This is an identity crisis among many tweens. The struggle is not being a child, but not quite a legal age adult. During these formative years you’re searching for an identity. Without realizing, you’re seeking a role mode. A person worth idealizing; who can be mimicked.
Many chooses the rich and fame: actors, athletics or musicians because of the things they have. Money, clothes, glamor and success tops the list. These idols look happy because they’re rich. But, you don’t know these people personally. You’re exposed only to what the media produces. Their job is to set up images to be romanticized. Behind the scenes, many of the glorified icons are unhappy, with high divorce rates, sicknesses, stresses and a bunch of messes.
Others look up to their parents who may be doctors, lawyers, teachers or nurses. Or, other mentors they desire to be like. They go down trails to be like them.
At your age, you may have hopes, dreams and aspirations that may not be the path you should travel. Through the grace of God I would like to introduce to you who you are and the road to find out where you should go.
If you are reading this, or have been referred to this post. God is already in your life or God is exposing Himself to you to be in His life. I am going to tell you who you are. You are a child of God. He is your Almighty Father. And because of that, You are the righteousness of God.
That is an everlasting identity you must realize and hold fast t. Confessing who you are in God, will propel you though life. This identity will assist you to fight off your adversaries. Because you can go to God and ask what is your destiny. He will instruct and guide you. But, you must accept this God given gift, righteousness.
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21
When you truly know who you are, no one can steal that from you. Confess your identity to yourself, out loud and declare it to others. This is you weapon to stop Satan from attempting to rob you of your identity. The confirmation will help you stay rooted in your individuality and know God is your Father. As a loving father, He will teach you though His Word; give instructions for your life, and provide you with the skills to complete any tasks ordained by Him.
Avenues of Aspirations
Reflection Road
Daily, declare who you are every day. Get up in the morning saying. I am the Righteousness in God. Throughout the day repeat your identity, until you believe it, until you have agreed with God that you accept His free gift.
Devil’s Drive
Not only daily, but multiple times throughout day, the devil will attempt to strip you of your status. If you are established in righteousness, he will succeed. Know who you are and fight Him with God’s Righteousness.
World’s Way
The world wants to keep you confused as who you are. So, it can dictate to you what it wants you to be. Always remember the devil is the prince of this world. His motto is to kill, steal and destroy. He hates you; the world hates you; because you believe in God.
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 15:19King James Version (KJV)
Personal Pathway
I am not a perfectionist because I realize no one is perfect except the Son of God. But, I don’t like to make mistakes. At work, I made a mistake on a document. This document was sent to another establishment. The outside facility did not raise a ruckus, but a department at my company did. I was reprimanded mildly for this error. I felt bad. I did not want my company to reflect poorly to outsides agencies. After correcting my mistake and offering apologies the incident, everything should have been squashed. With my superiors, the matter was forgiven and forgotten. But, the devil reminded me of this slipup. He whispered all types of negative things in my head. How could you make such a mistake? Your company did not forgive you. They’re waiting for the right time to fire you. You do not have the capabilities to do your job. Why don’t you just quit. I must admit I listened for a while. I prayed about the matter. My Father spoke softly to me and asked. Who are you? I replied, I am the righteousness of God. Then act like it. I did. I confessed my status to Satan, I am the righteousness of God. Saying the words, energy and strength returned to me. Guess what? The unpleasant thoughts ceased.
Lord’s Lane
My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live. Job 27:6King James Version (KJV)
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:6-10