The holiday season is the time of feasting. This is the time for feast of foods, festivities with family and frolicking with friends. Money is spent, homes are decorated and vacations planned. Contributions for Toys for Tots and Funds for Families are made. Donations to the Salvation Army, Red Cross and Goodwill are given without thought. Peace and good will to all men, and joy to the world are daily slogans. Loving, giving and compassionate declarations are penned on holiday cards. Generally, this period lasts just before Thanksgiving until a few days after the New Year. Guess what happens then?
The famine begins. Famine is not only a scarcity of food, it also means a great shortage. The feeling of euphoria has been deflated to grief. Peace is turned to stress. Good will becomes ill will. Pride replaces love. Giving converts to selfishness. Compassion is gone and hardheartedness emerges. Why?
I realize everyone does not fit into the categories listed above. And maybe I took it to the extremes. However, if you are exceptionally good only during holiday times. Convincing yourself this is the “season” to love, forgive and give. Thinking kindness should be for an allotted period of time each year. This may be a problem.
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world… Colossians 2:8 (KJV)
The children of God strive to do God’s will, all year long. God wants us to be good stewards. A steward is someone who protects or is responsible for money, property or other items. God wants us to be protective of our money, property and time, to name a few. It is not good to overextend on your budget and max out credit cards just to celebrate a few days each year. He wants us to be responsible. Also, remember, when we accept God in our lives, we realize we own nothing, all possessions, time, talents, finances came from God and belongs to God. We are His stewards to maintain His possessions all year long.
But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 1 John 3:17King James Version (KJV)
Avenues of Awareness
Devil’s Drive
The devil has managed to capture many people in his net of destruction during this time of year.
- If you don’t have family around, he makes you feel lonely.
- If you do have family around, he causes stress, distress and mess.
- If you are struggling to make ends meet, he attacks you with guilt, if you can’t provide.
- If you make a decent salary, he encourages you to overspend.
- He will send people to make you feel condemned if you don’t celebrate the holiday.
- If you don’t have a spouse, partner or a close loved one he makes you feel destitute.
- Boastful buddies bounce your way to show off their extravagant gifts and covetousness stirs in your heart.
- An unhealthy, competitive streak emerges when you must provide more for yourself, friends and family than others, to prove your status. That’s pride.
World’s Way
The world loves the concept that millions of people will be overly generous through this season because of increased sales and higher revenues for all types of industries. Some people spend more money during the holiday season than they do all year long. And at times, society affixes blame and guilt on those who do not partake of the overspending. Don’t fall for the deception. Know your limit.
Personal Pathway
It comes a little easier for me not to be swept up in the so called holiday cheer. Growing up, due to religious beliefs, my family did not participate in Christmas. As an adult, I drifted away from childhood teachings and shared in the yearly cheer. I found myself spending more money than I could afford. Buying gifts for people because they bought me a gift. Participating in a grab bag at work, spending yet more money. And for some reason, no matter how early I planned for this era, I always felt unprepared, overwhelmed and stressed. After I had children, I never understand the concept if my son desired a bike in the summer, he needed to wait until Christmas to get one. In fact, I recognized many parents, spouses and others had begun to put off what could be done in the present and waited until later in the year to bring joy.
Reflection Road
- Ask yourself. During this season does it appear a jot of generosity fuses through your veins with a shelf life of 2 weeks and afterwards there is a justification to go back to normal. Why?
- Don’t get caught up in the cycle of feast and famine or the devil’s web of dissolution. Seek God and His Word and He will give you the power to defeat the devil and his antics, restore peace in your heart and balance in your life.
Lord’s Lane
The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace. Psalm 29:11 (KJV)
Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. Psalm 122:7 (KJV)