Diet 1Diet time! Yay! Ugh! This is the time of the year many have mouthed the words, “I’m going on a diet.” People want to get that fresh start, beginning January 1st. Many succeed, others fail. It has been advised not to say you are going on a diet, but you’re making a lifestyle change with healthy eating. Dieting means a restriction of specific foods for a certain amount of time, until a desired goal is achieved. A lifestyle change reflects a manner that will continue beyond accomplished targets and determined timings.

Lifestyle changes with healthy eating:

Distribution of meals: Some experts recommend eating 6 small meals versus 3 large meals to keep the metabolism going.
Well balanced meals: Eating the correct foods: protein for muscle building, vegetables for natural vitamins and good carbohydrates for energy.
Consume healthier foods: Eat more fruits, vegetables, vitamin filled foods, natural sugars and whole grain products.
Avoid toxic foods: High caloric, high fat, sugar induced foods produce little nutritional value and should be eliminated.
Drinking plenty of water. Water flushes fat and impurities from the body. Water replenishes.
Bypass fad, extreme or unbalanced diets. Diets that completely cut out all certain types of foods or restrict to a few types of food for long periods of time to achieve a quick weight loss, can be detrimental to your health.

Here is my twist. Let’s take the healthy eating bullets above and replace them with lifestyle changes with God.

Distributions of prayers: Prayer, intimate talks with God, should not be confined to early morning or late night. Talk to God throughout the day. Pray while commuting to work or school or during breaks or walks. Remember, God wants to be included in every area of your life. For prayer,  I recommend 6 or more times a day vs. one or two large prayers to keep your spiritual metabolism going.
Well balanced life: God is our protein for life building. His Word supplies daily spiritual nutrients. His grace is the power and energy for us to do all things.
Consume more of God’s gifts: Love, grace, mercy, peace, joy and righteousness are free Gifts of God. They should be pursued and preserved.
Avoid noxious relationships: Detach yourself from toxic family members, friends or any relationship that produces stress, negativity and worry.
Drink plenty of the Word: The Word combats the devil and replenishes your mind and heart.
Step away from the strict religions. Worldly philosophies and traditions of men are orchestrated by the devil to deter you from God and His Word. Also, remember, if you are more involved in church duties and religious rituals instead of obtaining a relationship with God, those traits can be harmful to your spiritual health.

Now is the time of the year to begin your lifestyle change when it comes to God and His Word.

Lord’s Lane

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts. Jeremiah 15:16 (KJV)

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4 (KJV)