What Time Is It?

It’s time to take time. At some point, we have said, I don’t have time. This could have been legitimate. But in many cases, that statement has become an excuse or a way to blow off things we just don’t want to do. The reality is, you can make time for anything if you want to make time. You make […]

How to Pray 101

Prayers are simple conversations to God. Most people know how to perform this petition. For the ones who don’t know or want to improve on their talks with God, here are some scriptural based guidance. I do not want to come across that prayer is a process or checklist task to be completed, but I think we should be reminded […]

Profitless Prayers

What’s wrong with my prayers? The intimate conversations with God, prayers, have become selfish and self-centered and recited merely out of emotions and lusts. Why have prayers turned in this direction? Because the world has changed. Society dictates this is an era for pleasing self and obtaining riches to show the world your status. Or, the world has condemned you […]

What is the Intimate Conversation

What is prayer? The response may differ according to the person, their background, culture or race. Oftentimes, prayers have become a laundry list of people to bless; what is needed or what is desired with an abundant amount of time spent asking for forgiveness. Prayer time has been designated to cry, moan and complain to God. Or pepper God with […]

I’ve Been Robbed

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me—NOT. Has someone called you a bad name—loser? Whore? Stupid? Fat? Or, said a remark defaming your character: you will never amount to anything, you are worthless, you can’t do anything right? The problem begins when the names or remakes are repeated, often enough, you begin to believe […]