Prosperity vs Poverty

Are you living in poverty? Most of the people reading this post will reply, of course not. Poverty-is not always connected with a lack of money. It is a lack of something, a scarcity, not plentiful or abundant. What are you lacking? Happiness? Health? Sense of adventure? Inability to try new things? You can be poor in confidence, self-esteem, courage, […]

Prospective versus Confusion

I am confused. What is my purpose, in life, now and in the future? This question has been asked, by many people. Unfortunately, many have gone to their graves never believing they never knew or ever achieved their life purpose. The truth is you may have multiple life purposes, some simultaneously and others separately. Example: You may be a director […]


Honesty and accountability are the last conditions  to be met for God’s 501P. Are you honest? To be honest means to be free from fraud or deception. Can you truly be honest with yourself? Honesty To be honest with yourself, you must dig deep and discover who you are, what you are, and why you are. Do you have the […]


You must adhere to the L&O clause-listen and obey. This is the second condition of God’s 501P. Who do you listen to? Who do you obey? Listen and obey are two different actions but comes as a pair. Listen refers to paying attention to someone or something, giving a respectful attention. Obey means to do what is told to you […]


Where is your trust placed? The second element of belonging to the Bank of B&T is trust. Who do you trust? Spouse? Family? Friends? You are blessed that you have a support system to rely upon. And this post is not geared to distrust your loved ones. But, have your support system ever let you down? Yes? Sometimes? Not intentionally? […]